CSMS and HCMA are pleased to introduce a new educational series from the American Medical Association, focusing on the growing issues of physician burnout and resiliency.
The three-part series begins with Improving Physician Resiliency on March 2, a webinar led by nationally-known speaker Bruce Bagley, MD.
Dr. Bagley will also lead Provider Work Life and Wellness, a live CME event at Hartford Hospital on May 24. Register online for the 5/24 event. Click here to download a printable registration form for the 5/24 event.
The series culminates with Physician Resiliency Assessment and Response, a webinar led by Christine Sinsky, MD on July 20. Register for the 7/20 webinar.
Attendance at all three programs is not required, but it is recommended.
If you have questions, please contact Catherine Wagner, EdD, CSMS VP for Education and Health Information.