In his remarks, Dr. Gordon acknowledged that physicians in Connecticut (and across the country) have not agreed on every aspect of the ACA. However, he noted "[A] majority will agree that we must fight to maintain certain provisions of the Act... and continue to to ensure that patients have access to the services needed in an affordable manner, without compromising quality and safety."
Dr. Gordon stressed several key goals for protecting patient access to quality healthcare:
- Ensure that individuals currently covered do not become uninsured, and take steps toward coverage and access for all Americans
- Maintain key insurance market reforms, such as pre-existing conditions, guaranteed issue, and parental coverage for young adults
- Stabilize and strengthen the individual insurance market
- Ensure that low/moderate income patients are able to secure affordable and adequate coverage
- Ensure that Medicaid, CHIP and other safety net programs are adequately funded
- Reduce regulatory burdens that detract from patient care and increase costs
- Provide greater cost transparency throughout the health care system
- Incorporate common sense medical liability reforms
- Continue the advancement of delivery reforms and new physician-led payment models to achieve better outcomes, higher quality and lower spending trends
"Simply repealing an Act on which millions of Americans have come to rely is untenable. Such an action must not be taken without a clear vision or a plan for any replacement," said Dr. Gordon.
(Below, clockwise from L: US Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-02) and Dr. Gordon; Dr. Gordon and US Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03); Dr. Gordon, Rep. DeLauro, and Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman)