
New: MIPS Tool

PQRS is over (except for the 2016 data reporting), and MACRA's Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) is here.

To help you maximize your MIPS potential, CSMS members who have renewed their 2017 membership can receive The MIPS Navigator™ free of charge.

The MIPS Navigator™ is an on-line tool that makes it possible for individual clinicians or practice administrators to quickly and easily sort through the various MIPS alternatives and produce a “2017 MIPS Itinerary/Plan” designed to maximize their potential 2019 MIPS bonus.

By answering a few questions specific to your practice, the MIPS Navigator™ will let you determine:

  • Whether you or your practice will likely be subject to MIPS at all

  • What the likely impact of various MIPS payment adjustments will mean to your practice in 2019

  • Whether you should participate in an APM and the potential impact of that choice

Based on your responses, the MIPS Navigator™ can produce a summary of  specific things to help maximize your MIPS score, and a final 2017 MIPS Itinerary/Plan, based on your choices. If you are interested in using the MIPS Navigator free of charge, please email CSMS General Counsel Layne Gakos for registration details.