
Women Physicians: Get Involved, Make an Impact

The Women’s Physician Section of CSMS (WPS) aims to increase the influence of women physicians in leadership roles within organized medicine and highlight women’s health issues.

Now more than ever, we need a strong and robust WPS of CSMS to address topics of importance to women physicians and their patients, and bring those concerns to other representatives within organized medicine. Now is the time for you to get involved in the WPS!

In order for the WPS to be an actively function section, the section needs strong leadership.  At the outset, we are looking for individuals to fulfill three key leadership roles.

The first of those roles is a Chairwoman for your section.  The Chair will help organize the Section and, working with CSMS staff, will coordinate Section meetings and activities.

The second and third roles are those of Councilor and Associate Councilor who will represent the WPS at CSMS Council meetings. There are approximately 60 Councilors and Associate Councilors who set policy and governance for CSMS.  This is an opportunity for the WPS to have representation and a voice on the Council. CSMS Council meetings take place approximately 5 times per year and are held at 3pm at CSMS headquarters in North Haven, Connecticut. The first Council meeting of the 2018-2019 year will take place at 3pm on Tuesday, November 27th and the schedule for the remaining meetings will be set then.

We have one incumbent Councilor from the WPS, Deborah Desir, MD who has expressed interest in re-running for the Councilor seat.

In an effort to organize the WPS timely, please reply to Layne Gakos by Monday, August 20th if you are interested in any of the following roles:

1)      Chair for the CSMS WPS

2)       Councilor or Associate Councilor on the CSMS Council representing the WPS

3)       Another leadership role within the WPS, but may not have time to serve as the Chair or Councilor/Associate Councilor

Once we have a slate of interested candidates, we will be asking for an email vote of the WPS members to ensure that all WPS members have the opportunity to vote for WPS leadership.  Candidates will have the opportunity to provide a brief statement of their interest and qualifications that will be emailed to WPS members.

When we have established a Chair for this WPS, we hope to have an in-person meeting in the near future so we can further organize the mission and goals of this Section.

Thank you all for your membership in CSMS and we look forward to an active WPS of CSMS!